




I started this layout in like.. September (2006) and I finish it like, six months later. lol And look! It's tables! *gasp* Which is also why I ditched it in the first place.. couldn't get the table to work. XD The avatar and button is real different too, and they ate up a lot of time, but I really like them. ^^ The image is based on a wallpaper I made =P I might be making the light version of this layout.. but I doubt it. X3
Again, this is a very different style (even the headers are quite different =O) and I think it turned out pretty well. ^^ The transparency thing works well in Mozilla, but I'm not sure if it works in Internet Explorer. =/
Anyway, hope you like this layout! =D

::About Layout::

This layout features a character from Shaiya and it is a table.


Check Box

Radio Button

::How To Use::

To edit spash: Open the file index.html
To edit navigation: Open the file index2.html
To edit content: Open the file index2.html

To add a new header add this code:

To add a new content box add this code:

To add a content box in the navigation add this code:


You must NOT remove the link to ShadowFire on this layout! Also, do NOT edit the credits execpt when it says Site ©<a href="">Your Name</a>


Here are extras I made for you!!!!
Note* In EVERY layout, there will be at least 1 extra!




