
My second JE layout! I've known about JE for over 1 and a half year, but my obsession ended last summer. XD I haven't really been into JE (KAT-TUN, I should say) since then until last month. Well, I noticed my mom watching a drama. And guess who was on the screen? YAMAPI!! X3
The drama is Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni (and I didn't really like it, but I guess it's partly because I watched in a screwed order the front was better). Then I found out my mom also borrowed Kurosagi (and of course I watched it too lol)

Okay, um, what does this have to do with the layout? WELL, after watching Kurosagi, I wanted to make a layout that showed him from both dramas (well, with the similar hairstyle anyway). But I was having trouble designing the image, so I decided to split the layout up. SO, this layout only shows his blond-ness. XD Hopefully I won't bail out on the other layout (I'll try not to.. especially since all the time that took me to find the images XD)
Quite a different style once again. Very simple indeed. X3
Anyway, hope you like the layout! =D

~About Layout~

This layout was completed on May 31, 2007. It features Yamashita Tomohisa from NEWS. It is a tables layout.


Check Box

Radio Button

~How To Use~

To edit spash: Open the file index.html
To edit navigation: Open the file index2.html
To edit content: Open the file index2.html

To add a new header add this code:

To add a header in the navigation add this code:


You must NOT remove the link to ShadowFire on this layout! Also, do NOT edit the credits execpt when it says Site ©<a href="">Your Name</a>


Here are extras I made for you!!!!
Note* In EVERY layout, there will be at least 3 extras!




