* Category *

* Category *

* Category *

* Category *

* Credits *

* Comments *

Man, I seem to have a fetish for cutting up images or something. ....or maybe it's because it looks better this way.. Again, like the previous layout, this one features another Dynasty Warriors character. (and it's also a pic that I drew hehe) This time it features Zhou Yu, my favourite character. 8D This layout is so girly. ^___^""

YES I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE THE NAVIGATION LOOK GOOD IN BOTH IE AND MOZILLA!! XD *coughs* Yeah, I JUST figured that out (about 1 minute ago X3). Before I was actually crying about how I could't make it look right in both browsers. XD

Well I've started a layout a while ago (around 2006) that looked kinda like this, but I didn't finish it because of the lack of inspiration. I decided to create a new layout based on what I've done back then (like the textures and style) I did change it so it didn't look that mainstream.

Also, if you scroll down, you'll see that I've made banners for this layout~~ Haven't made those in a while, but I convinced myself to make some for this design. XD Anyway, hope you like this layout~~ =D

* About Layout *

This layout was completed on September 25, 2007. It features Zhou Yu from Dynasty Warriors 5. It is a tables layout.

* How To Use *

To edit spash: Open the file index.html
To edit navigation: Open the file index2.html
To edit content: Open the file index2.html

To add a new header add this code:

To add a header in the navigation add this code:

To add a header in the navigation with rows of links add this code:

* Credits *

You must NOT remove the link to ShadowFire on this layout! Also, do NOT edit the credits execpt when it says Site ©<a href="">Your Name</a>

* Extras *

Here are extras I made for you!!!!
Note* In EVERY layout, there will be at least 3 extras!

Check Box

Radio Button