~ Comments ~

Hah, about time. Haven't made a layout for such a long time I was totally going "wtf am I doing?" while making the blend. I mentioned about 2 months ago that I'd make some Supernatural graphics, so here's a Dean Winchester layout. =D And like all my layouts, I make couple of other stuff (signs, avatars, buttons).

I discovered this show sometime last year and I literally finished 6 & a half (to the point where it was airing on TV) in 2 months. Man I loooove that show. I got so used to Dean's low growly voice that when I rewatched a season 1 episode I thought there was something wrong with the sound LOL. Funny I never noticed the huge change in his voice. I didn't think a 26 year old man would still be going through puberty.. guess he's a late bloomer.

So, all of these pictures are back from season 1. Most are promo shots, but a couple are from my favourite season 1 episode: Hell House. I had a lot of trouble with the content/nav area because they kept turning out like crap but the current result is better than my previous ones. I used the drop shadow text effect quite heavily here so the text would be easier to read.

Ho damn, 13 more days to go and I'll be 18.

Anyway, hope you like this layout! 8D

~ Information ~

This layout was completed on February 7, 2012. It features Dean Winchester from Supernatural. It is a dividers layout.

You MUST follow the Terms of use on ShadowFire! Also, do NOT edit the credits except the section that reads Site ©<a href="">Your Name</a>.

~ Extras ~

Here are extras I made for you!!!!
*Note In EVERY layout, there will be at least 3 extras!!

Check Box Radio button