About this Layout

Yippee! Finished another IFrame layout! Yes, everything from this layout is smiliar to Sakura Flute: it's a pop-up/Iframe layout; image from Boyis and drawn by Yukirin and the content and navigation are smiliar. I edited the image a little, hope you like it!

How to Use

Open content.html to edit the content.
Open nav.html to edit the navigation.


You may change Your Name and youre-mailaddresshere to your name and your e-mail addreass. However, I advise that those are the only part you change/edit under the Credits section(unless a broken link comes up or something like that).

Please read the Terms of Usage and follow it.


CSS codes- italic, underlined, bold, link and
Graphics- an enter sign/page, an avator, and a button: