About this Layout: Waiting for You

The name of this layout came to me as I was thinking about how to make a IFrame layout from this image from Boyis. The girl with the horse does look like they are waiting for someone, don't they? Anyway, this is a IFrame layout, with a navigation down at the bottom. The total width and height of the image is 800x600, so I'm not sure will it work on the same revolution...maybe in full screen o.Olll

I was thinking about the type of layout I made until I knew how much div layouts I'd made. Immediatly I made this layout. The coding is coded by ImageReady, so everything fits(and save me lots of time). Read the Terms of Usage before downloading my nineth layout!!!


Nothing to say, really. "If you change the size of the font, which I would do, a link back to END is still required!" Really, read and follow the Terms and you can skip this area. -__-lll

Here's how to edit this layout ^^;
1) Open index.html to change Your title here (in the head area) to your site's name or whatever you want to call the page.
2) Open content.html to edited out my nonsense to what you want in the content.
3) Open nav.html to edit the links. Make sure you have the right url's and keep the credits!!
4) Upload the images and pages up your server. No hotlinking/direct linking!!!!!


Again, read the Terms of Usage and you can skip this area. However, if you don't want to, just don't remove the Credits area, no hotlinking/direct linking, don't claim that you've made this layout, don't redistribute this layout and so on. However, I recommend that you read the Terms of Usage.


There's a enter and moved sign that you can download from END that matches this layout, basically they are of the same CG Art. Here's a button for you: