About this Layout

If you remember this layout from END's past version, you're right! Mostly everything is the same, except for I redid the whole image. However, it's still entitled Sakura Flute and is an Pop-up/Iframe layout. I hope you like it!

How to Use

If you want to edit the content, open content.html and edit from there.
If you want to edit the navigation, open nav.html and edit from there.
This is the code for a new header. (I add the textarea, bold, italic, and underlined code in the CSS)
This is the code for a new link. (It's a bit different than normal ones)


You may change Your Name and youre-mailaddreasshere to your name and your e-mail addreass. However, I advise that those are the only part you change/edit under the Credits section(unless a broken link comes up or what-so-ever).
Have you read the Terms of Usage yet????


An enter sign and an avator. Happy? I won't stop you from getting the image from Boyis and make more signs/buttons/etc from the image.